Did you know that the new Regulation (EU) on Machinery is about to replace the current Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC? The new requirements included in the Regulation require measures to be taken, especially from machinery manufacturers, but also from importers, distributors and parties carrying out substantial modifications of machinery. It is worth preparing for changes in time – but what should you do? This half-day remote training covers the most essential things that you should know about the upcoming change!
In this intensive remote training, the new Regulation (EU) on machinery 2023/1230 (published in 6/2023) will be introduced. The training focuses on the new requirements set out in the Regulation for economic operators, focusing especially on the requirements for manufacturers of machinery. In the training, the most significant differences contained in the new Regulation compared to the current Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC are summarized.
After the training, the participants will understand how the new Regulation will change legislation in the EU concerning new machinery, what kind of changes the reform will bring and how much time economic operators have to prepare for the changes.
Katri Tytykoski has extensive experience in various expert tasks related to machinery safety. As a government official, she has participated in the preparation of legislation related to machinery safety both at the national and EU level. When working on the private sector, she has carried out various inspections and evaluations while working for inspection bodies. Regarding the new Regulation (EU) on Machinery, Katri Tytykoski represented the Finnish government in the negotiations of the Regulation in the EU Council working group in 2021–2023 and afterwards participated in the finalization of the text of the regulation. For this reason Katri Tytykoski knows the content of the new Regulation thoroughly, and she is the only one in Finland having first-hand knowledge of the content of the Regulation and the application of the new requirements in practice. Overall, Katri has more than 15 years of experience working as a machinery safety trainer.
Designers, manufacturers, importers and distributors of machinery; companies that carry our substantial modifications of machinery – or have them carried out; and everyone else interested in the new Regulation (EU) on Machinery.
The training is carried out remotely using Microsoft Teams at the following times:
NOTE: You can also order a company-specific training tailored to your needs!
or give a call: +358 44 72 93 003
395 € per person + VAT 25,5 %
To register for this training, use the registration form found on our website.
For any additional information, please conctact Katri Tytykoski, tel. +358 44 72 93 003, email: katri.tytykoski(at)finn-tarkastus.fi
Opening of the training
Overview of the changes introduced in the new Regulation on machinery (EU)
New obligations of economic operators in the new Regulation on machinery (EU)
Responsibilities of manufacturers of machinery: summary of the changes
Substantial modifications of machinery
Partly completed machinery
Questions and discussion
End of the training
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